Getting started with React — Advance

As a developer, We always explore more advance concepts while work on any technology. We have compiled some good react advance level links for you that will help you explore react advance concepts.


  1. Webpack guide —
  2. React: Asset Management —
  3. React: Hot Module Replacement —
  4. React: Environment Variables —
  5. React: Tree Shaking —
  6. React: Production —
  7. React: Code Splitting —
  8. React: Lazy Loading —

React Advance Concept:

  1. Hooks Reference —
  2. Understanding Memoization —
  3. Handling Events —
  4. Forms —
  5. React Hook Form —
  6. Composition vs Inheritance —
  7. Code Splitting —
  8. HOC — Higher Order Components) —
  9. React Fragments —
  10. React Performance Optimisation —
  11. React Reconciliation —
  12. React Refs —
  13. React Strict Mode —
  14. React Uncontrolled Components —
  15. React Web Components —

SSR — Server side Rendering and CSR — Client side Rendering

  1. SSR Benefits —
  2. SSR in your app —
  3. Server Side Rendering —

Helpful articles:

  1. Setting up SASS with react —
  2. React Context API —
  3. Redux Advance Feature —
  4. React Async/Await —
  5. ReactDOMServer —

React Design Patterns:

  1. React Compound Components —
  2. React Context API —
  3. React Render Props —

Thanks 🙂

To be continue… 🙂

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