Getting started with React — Basic

To get started with react, you can start with basic and explore things step by step. Here are few links that will help you get started with React and help you learn it quickly.

Install React with Redux:

Getting Started with Redux | ReduxRedux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps. It helps you write applications that behave consistently…redux.js.orgSetting Up a Redux Project With Create-React-AppA Byte About

React Docs:

Hello World – ReactThe smallest React example looks like this: It displays a heading saying “Hello, world!” on the page. Click the link…

Redux Docs:

Redux Fundamentals, Part 1: Redux Overview | ReduxWelcome to the Redux Fundamentals tutorial! This tutorial will introduce you to the core concepts, principles, and…

React Routers:

React Router: Declarative Routing for ReactLearn once, Route

Getting started with React:

  1. Thinking in React —
  2. React Form —
  3. Transferring Props —
  4. JSX Gotchas —
  5. Use State —
  6. Props vs State —

Thanks 🙂

To be continue… 🙂

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